Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Oh, That Was Easy

I did it. In record time, too, I might add. My character turns in place (mind you, you must tap the arrow key pretty damned quickly), and turns and walks without significant pause. Gonna work on some other stuff, now.

EDIT: Blah, did some more stuff. Tried experimenting with VolatileImages. I did not like it. It actually slowed everything down. I thought it was supposed to make images faster accessed? Whatever. Back to BufferedImages. There's a small amount of distortion in the images as they are drawn (something like tearing but not nearly as bad), but I think I'm cool with that.

So, I also checked out, once more, my emulator for the Gameboy Advance. I played some Pokemon Crystal (my absolute favorite version), and looked at how that looked. And I realized it was just as terrible as mine. That same sort-of-tearing is there too, even through the best filters. So that means my version of the game is just as good as the best emulated version out there. Awesome.

So, I have finished the basics with my character (just the walking, though), collision detection, the tiled map, all that sort of stuff. Next up is the NPCs. I am going to make two of them (like in the original test map), that walk around a predetermined path. I have no idea how I am going to do this, but I suppose it will be something like, look around the visible portion of the map (can be done while in the animation loop). If there is any portion of an NPC's path being animated, I shall set that NPC into motion. If their path is no longer animated, they go dormant.

But first, lunch, and Rush Hours.

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