Friday, December 28, 2007

So... Fuck....

My game looks as though it is going to turn out amazingly. If it comes out even half as well as it looks like it might, it will be pretty popular.

That means there's a 95-100% chance Nintendo will either just ask me to get rid of it, or will all out sue me. No matter if I give them their credit, and no matter if I don't charge for it. They're just a bunch of fagots.

So... fuck.... I don't know what to do. My game is kind of a bust now. Two weeks of work (and really a lot more, including the old versions) down the drain. Damn. I'ma gonna need to come up with a new, original game.

I hate Nintendo. Fuck them. This blog will remade in the future, the posts here deleted. I will make an original game, one I can spread around.

1 comment:

Eddie said...

hey there, thanks for visiting my java tutorial blog :) I'm really busy right now coding a casino game as well as a finite mathematics program for school.. so I won't be writing the next tutorial any time soon (definitely not this year)

Nice game you got going here! I thought it looked nice (from the video) who cares what nintendo thinks.

Honestly, I think you know much more than me in Java. I didn't know an "enhanced for loop" existed. I never used a dowhile loop before. I'm in highschool, and I've programed for a little over 2 months. Maybe you should be the one writing tutorials :D