Sunday, January 13, 2008


Internet Explorer now officially licks balls in my opinion. I redid the template of my website, and I think it looks very nice. After a lot of research, trial and error, I made a CSS only rounded rectangle for the main posts on my main page. However, as nice as the site now looks, Internet Explorer found a way to fuck it up.

It won't display my rounded corners nicely. It blows them up to where the jags are thrown in your face. Every other browser I have tested it on (Firefox, Opera, and yes, unfortunately, Safari) displays the page perfectly, the only differences being some font stuff, which I can live with. But IE7 (and 6) just piss me off.

I'm either going to cut IE out of my site design, or just put in a little code to give it a different stylesheet. Whatever.

1 comment:

Randy said...

you should cause IE user to have to view your site backwords. and every time they transistion to another page it displays you suck and when they try to leave your site it redirects them to a firfox dl site