Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Me am soooooo tired right now. I wanted to sleep more but fucking Verizon called with a message about how fios is my personal savior and I should accept Him. Anyhoo, I learned today that even if you shower, if you don't use bodywash, you're gonna smell weird afterwards. But I'm not leaving the house, and I need to save what little I have left for my glorious return to college.

No tutorial today. Tomorrow I will record it. Today will be spent (later, of course) making the program. It is going to be fairly complicated. It's also going to be cumulative, so I'm going to start from scratch. I'll be teaching everything from basic swing stuff, to listeners, even menubars, and also file IO, for saving win/loss statistics for certain players. A little much for a simple HiLo game, but that's not the point. Anyway, I'll probably do this in a series of ten to fifteen minute tutorials. I don't know how many yet, but we'll see where it goes. First I need to write the program. Then I need to insert chapters (like in a DVD) at important parts where the separate lessons are.

Right now I'm also having a weird thing where I have no idea what I want to do. I am getting strong urges to: write a novel, right here and now; draw a comic; do this tutorial from scratch; make the program and then do the tutorial; get some food; watch a movie; a couple other things.

It's very confusing in my head. But for now, seeing as how I just woke up, I think I'll settle for a little food. Thank god I finished reading a webcomic I found; that would have taken up my time for another while longer.

Later, peoples. Oh, also, I will be changing the name of this site. While I do have plans to one day finish my Pokemon: Java game, it will not be anytime soon, and I want to have a more truthful name for my blog. When I think of something, I'll tells y'all. Later, peoples.

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