Friday, January 4, 2008

Conan is my hero

So.... no updates in a while, eh? Well, don't expect much to change. In just over a week I am going to be going to college, to start a six class semester. That's gonna be hard work. Also, I will be reading again (my book sits here, unfinished). And lastly, I am getting the urge to take the epic fantasies in my head, and transcribe them, put them in my computer, on paper. In my entire life, I have never had such an urge to write a novel, and, as a wannabe author, that is not an easy thing to say. As usual, I will be free writing this one, but I will be using an old idea, something I came up with a little while ago. I'ma gonna converse with my writing inclined friends, and see what I can come up with. It is something I need to fill up the hole caused by my inability to create a decent game, or draw a decent comic (New ChatterBox [reduced panel count] coming at some point).

Lastly, I love Conan O'Brien. His Strike Beard is awesome, and since I had already not shaved for some time, I am declaring my own facial hair a sympathetic Strike Beard.

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